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Your ultimate guide to working with Freelancers & Self-Employed (FSE) professionals

A comprehensive guide to building successful, lasting partnerships with Freelancers & Self-Employed (FSE) professionals.
Model ID: 46674118-ac10-4a0e-b91d-3e01793c73a8 Sitecore Context Id: 46674118-ac10-4a0e-b91d-3e01793c73a8;
By U FSE 30 Nov 2023
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Model ID: 46674118-ac10-4a0e-b91d-3e01793c73a8 Sitecore Context Id: 46674118-ac10-4a0e-b91d-3e01793c73a8;

In Singapore's competitive business landscape, the agility and innovation that Freelancers & Self-Employed (FSE) professionals bring to the table are invaluable. Learn the essentials of forging successful collaborations with them, setting the stage for a fruitful partnership.

Embracing the agile world of FSE professionals

FSEs offer a quick-start advantage. They are able to jump into projects with short lead times and adapt to varying demands with ease. Their agility is a powerful asset in driving projects to completion and injecting innovation into your operations.

For a start, map out your project requirements in detail. Identify areas where an FSE's adaptability could shorten development cycles or introduce fresh perspectives. Consider factors like scalability, expertise required, and your timelines to understand where FSEs can best support your goals.

Define the project scope with precision
Clear definition of project scope is instrumental in aligning expectations and preventing miscommunication. A precise scope sets the stage for a successful partnership, outlining what success can look like for both parties.

For example, a good project scope for a website redesign should specify objectives like ‘user experience improvement and redesign’, list detailed deliverables (e.g., redesigned homepage, product pages), set clear timelines (draft in 2 weeks), and define payment terms (30% upfront, etc.).

Conversely, a vague scope could sound like ‘make my website better’ without detailed objectives or timelines. It can also exclude specific milestones and check-ins that lead to confusion and unrealistic expectations.

Create a clear job scope that is thorough and straightforward. A clear job scope would explain the objectives, detailing deliverables, timelines, and payment terms. With access to a great variety of free templates online, select one that is flexible enough to cater to different types of projects while maintaining consistency in how you communicate expectations to FSEs.


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Finding the right talent amidst a diverse pool
The FSE talent pool provides a wide range of professionals with multiple skills that are suitable across business needs. Identifying the right talent for your specific needs is key to project success.

Implement a structured vetting process. This might include reviewing portfolios for relevant work, seeing if they have testimonials from past experiences, conducting interviews to gauge fit, and working on micro-projects to evaluate capabilities and work ethic.

With an extensive range of FSE professionals ranging from creatives to coaches, check out U FSE’s directory of professionals to hire the right talent for your project.

Setting up for success
Establishing a strong foundation with your FSE professional is crucial. The steps provided in this guide are designed to ensure that you start on the right foot for your project. Setting up partnerships with proper structure will help you enjoy a productive relationship that has the potential to grow stronger over time. In fact, 55% of businesses who use FSE professionals intend to increase their reliance on them.*


By integrating these practices into your business model, you will be well-positioned to take advantage of the benefits that FSE professionals bring to the table. Because of the unique working relationship that you share as compared to your own employees, being intentional about setting expectations and communicating will speed up project timelines, and enhance the quality of work produced. Engaging with FSEs is more than filling a short-term gap. It can also be about strategically expanding your business’ capabilities and contributing to the vibrant FSE market here in Singapore.

Download our handy infographic for quick takeaways on how to work with FSE professionals.
